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Manifesto for best use of emojis and memes in Slack


Use meme emojis (aka memojis) to convey new emotions

Emojis are the standard way to convey feelings in your writings. Memojis are the same but on steroids as they usually communicates a stronger position. Having a whole range of reactions at disposition encourages precise discussion.

Spread memes love with the !kym slack command

Memes are part of the geek culture but you want everyone at your company to be at ease with them so that discussions participants are on an equal footing.
In this vein, the !kym (for Know Your Memoji) slackbot macro can be [to continue]

Part of your company culture

When appropriate, create custom emojis related to events that happened in your company. You can start by uploading your company logo, but it can be more casual things like the favorite snack brand of a particularly suggar-addicted colleague etc.

Emoji linguo [emolinguo]

Emoji face [emoface]

Having avatar emojis helps to tackle issues/actions reported in slack, as commenting with an avatar means that person becomes the assignee.
Use the checkmark to signify that a task has been dealed with

[TODO: example]

Emoji stamp [emostamp]

Use stamp emoji for announces that require explicit emofaces acknowledgment.

Emoji check [emocheck]

Commenting with a :heavy_check_mark: on a message to acknowledge it. The checkmark can be replaced by an emoface to acknowledge more formal stamped messages.

[TODO: example]

Emoji combo [emocombo]

Chaining emojis to accomplish advanced actions.

eg dropping the talking stick during a daily slack scrum meeting.

Emoji poll [emopoll]

Emojis are a cheap way to post polls, as long as you have a complete set of custom emojis to represent options.

[TODO: example]

Emoji pub [emopun]

A pun based on emoji.

[TODO: example]

Emoji 0-day [em0day]

Dropping a previously unreleased emoji in a conversation.

[TODO: example]

Emoji bomb [emobomb]

Use the :timer_clock: + :bomb: emocombo to announce that the message will auto-destruct once read.

[TODO: example]